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ICF Apeldoorn multiculturele kerk in Apeldoorn


Listen and sing along in different languages - English, Farsi, Arabic...

ICF Apeldoorn samen eten met mensen uit 15 landen


Have meal together and meet nice people from more than fifteen countries. 

ICF Apeldoorn ontmoeten


Get to know what the Bible has to say about your life here and now.

Uit vele landen komen mensen bij ICF Apeldoorn

Who might you meet?

People come from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, the Dominican Republic, Afghanistan, the Netherlands Antilles - and more! 

Persoonlijke verhalen bij ICF Apeldoorn

Personal stories

'I always felt a void inside, I was missing something. But I did not know what it was. When I went out with my friends, I always came home with this feeling of emptyness. At ICF I heard that I had to repent and leave my old life behind me. I could get new life through faith in Jesus.’

Where & when

  • Every Sunday at 2.45 pm

  • Zilverschoon 114
    7322 GK  Apeldoorn

Last Sunday of the month meal

At ICF we love the sociable togetherness and good food. Every last Sunday of the month we eat together after the service - something for everyone!

Do you want to invite someone?

Everyone is welcome at the meal: feel free to invite family and friends and eat for free.
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